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Please help SARTHI continue our work for at-risk youth in Bihar. We rely on volunteers and a small pool of compassionate, committed financial supporters. Because of them, we are able to make a difference in the lives of individual children and to fund our health clinics, our training programs, and other outreach initiatives.

Through their generous and ongoing contributions, lives are changing. Families are being reunited with their sons and daughters. Orphaned children are attending school. Adolescents headed down a dark path are learning trades and gaining confidence. Children are becoming empowered to exercise their rights to survival, protection, development, and participation.


​Tax-Exempt Donations

SARTHI is registered under The Societies Registration Act, 1860 in Bihar, India; the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA); and sections 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act.


A respected and well-known establishment in Madison, Wisconsin (where two of our U.S.-based volunteers are located) Holy Wisdom Monastery, run by the Sisters of the Benedictine order, has offered to act as our sponsor for gathering donations for our children in Bihar. This means that your donation will be counted as a fully legitimate, tax-deductible charitable contribution.


You can find their website here:




You can donate online, or mail a check: 


1) If you choose to donate online, go to St. Benedict's page for donations at 


IMPORTANT: If you donate online make sure to select 'Other' from the options on the the pop-up list under 'How would your like your donation to be used?'. When you select 'Other', a new input box titled 'Please describe how you would like this donation to be used' will then load just below this on the web page. Inside that input box, write that you want the donation to go to SARTHI.


2) If you choose to mail a check, make it out to the 'Benedictine Life Foundation'. Then send it to the following address and *make sure* to put 'SARTHI' in the memo line of your check.


Benedictine Life Foundation

4200 County Road M

Middleton WI 53562


If you have any questions, please contact us. 

What Your Contribution Will Fund
Please join us in making a positive difference for children in need in Bihar. Your donation will help fund our programs, listed below.


  • Repatriation of children in the family and community (e.g., reuniting them with family, sending them to boarding school, funding vocational school training)
  • Creating Model Panchayat (Child Friendly Local Governance) for children
  • Raising awareness of the Legal Rights of Children in India under The Juvenile Justice (care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 & Amendment Act, 2006 (called as JJAct)
  • Helping the government more effectively implement and enforce the JJAct
  • Education and Training programs for children
  • Health awareness programs
  • Training programs for Police, Government allied system, Judiciary, NGOs, and children
  • Sponsorship and Adoption programs
  • Capacity building on child rights, child abuse, child marriage, child trafficking, and child labor
  • Adolescent-Friendly Health Services
  • Sex, Gender & Sexuality and HIV/AIDS awareness
  • Cultural awareness
  • Networking
  • Advocacy



Telefonnummer in Europa/der Schweiz +41 61 321 41 11

Büro: Sarthi, Road No-17, Rajiv Nagar, PO Keshri Nagar, Patna 800 024, Indien

© 2001-2019 SARTHI

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